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Samira Didehkar
San Antonio, Texas 


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My name is Samira, and I am working from my art studio in San Antonio, Texas, since 2016. My life has been filled with the joy of imagining and dreaming, as well as the love of painting and creating. I began to paint long before I received my bachelor of arts degree in painting back in my hometown: Tehran, Iran.


Establishing and managing an atelier, embarking on a journey across three continents, living thousands of miles away from home and family, marrying and becoming a mom abroad, while hosting art events and joining exhibits & showings throughout my career are some of my major experiences which also drive my work.


For me the common denominator in our behavior as humans and how we interact with each other is the love of one another. In my cross-continental journey I have observed various levels and forms of love for humanity. I have also noticed that the disparity in the way people express their feelings as well as cramped daily schedules and life's inherent stress could cause this beautiful emotion to be neither communicated as intended nor fully understood, or to be redirected through improper channels.


Universal languages such as arts have the capability to deliver the message past the constraining factors of the rule-based communication methods, and even beyond the limits of the known material world. Among those, painting was my choice possibly due to my visual personality. While I enjoy having experienced most painting styles, abstract is my favorite because of its inherent eternal freshness and freedom of interpretation without necessarily resembling any existing real-worldly material forms and shapes or being bound by too many sets of predefined symbols and rules.


While I try to add unique perspectives to my paintings in order to make each piece memorable in a certain way, my painting philosophy revolves around opening one's inner self to the canvas and trying to depict the feelings and emotional perceptions! In doing so, I hope to challenge myself on accessing deeper layers of my subconscious and to connect with my audience on complex concepts such as the inherent beauty of life, motherhood vs creation, kids and their world, avoiding violence, etc.


Since 2002 I have been involved in professional painting, hosting 10+ art events and participating in 30+ artwork showings/exhibits. In 2003, I co-founded the AMORDAD atelier in Tehran, Iran, and served as the gallery manager until 2007. Two of my paintings are dedicated to and approved by the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art (TMoCA). Currently, my paintings are being exhibited in galleries across Texas.


I take delight in meeting other artists and art enthusiasts or joining art communities and events in order to exchange experiences with other professionals or the audience. ​Please feel free to connect through the website and I will respond as soon as I can!

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